Utopia Sounds Great: Then Reality Sets In
I have never met anyone who could not do something better than me. Conversely, there are some things I can do better than others. We are all different, have different characteristics, different skills, different upbringing, different education. Nothing new here, that is reality (the last time I tried to fix a plumbing problem, it cost a fortune to repair my fix).
One of my traits is to see the world as it really is, not as I dream it ‘should be’. Being an accountant by education and early experience and a businessman for many years, I can read financial statements and projections pretty well.
So, when I read the financial statements for the United States, I started shivering and asking myself - “Can it be so?” “ How is this possible?” “How did we get here?” You should be asking the same questions - but will you?
I am going to answer these questions, whether or not you ask.
Our Country is on a collision course with the proverbial iceberg, and I can see it clearly from the financials and the projections. When we hit it someday, we will sink. And I can read - the government tells us this peril is there. Here is a quote from the published financials:
‘The current fiscal path is unsustainable.’
If you have any experience with financial statements, (and are a glutton for punishment) read them yourself (here is a link to view the 255 page report). But you don't have to, I will do a quick overview of the current situation for you:
-The current interest-bearing debt is around $35 trillion, and with current policy it is projected to be well over $50 trillion in 10 years; over $150 trillion in 30 years.
-The total obligations today, including unfunded obligations for Social Security and Medicare are over $128 trillion dollars - and growing rapidly.
-The Trustees for Social Security and Medicare Trust funds state clearly that these Trust funds will be exhausted in less than 10 years. When they are gone, current law requires benefits must be severely cut.
-Interest alone in 2024 will exceed $1 trillion, taking almost 20% of the total government revenue.
-Our deficit will average over $2 trillion per year and growing every year - in a good economy when we should be having surpluses, not deficits.
Need I say more? It is unconscionable and immoral to do this to our heirs and all future generations. We are bankrupting this country and will leave it in the lurch with an unresolvable financial problem.
The Progressive Dream, trying to make everyone equal and trying to provide everything to everyone, is not attainable. Trying to attain it will lead to our certain demise sometime in the near future. I don’t know when, but I am sure that day is coming if leaders (from both parties) keep on doing stupid things to buy votes so everyone can have everything they want.
Can you spell BANKRUPTCY? Better learn how, because that is where we are headed.
Scarcity is a matter of fact. Individualism is a matter of fact. Inequality is a matter of fact.
The progressive dream of equality is not possible, and we can see that efforts to move the country in that direction have failed and are destroying this great country.
In the past, we became a rich country with good policies emanating from the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. We can and should help folks that truly need help, but our agenda has gone way past that and led us to do unaffordable things to buy votes and help everyone, even those that could do just fine on their own. If we just had policies that got the federal government out of our lives and encouraged and incentivized family, hard work and independence, we could drastically change the ‘welfare’ state of mind we have created. We have done just the opposite of what was intended when the War on Poverty was introduced in the mid-1960’s, fostering dependence on government instead of independence. And that is a big part of why we are in trouble.
Folks, wake up to reality before we kill the goose that laid the golden egg.