It has Arrived: Every Thoughtful Person should be Concerned
Government = Inefficiency.
Any arguments about that? If you do not see the government’s inherent inefficiency, then you are not paying attention. It is obvious that the folks in government do not spend other people’s money as well as they spend their own money.
Government = Power.
Any argument about that? And some power is appropriate if, as a country, we are to be governed as a political unit, which requires force to be used at appropriate times to maintain law and order. The Constitution outlines the duties of the Federal government in this regard, as it should. But what happens when the Constitution is ignored and the ‘deep state’ takes over without accountability?
Big Brotherism.
The role of the Federal government is clearly delineated in the Constitution. Our Founding Fathers were very smart. They understood that too much power at the Federal level would lead to tyranny and loss of freedom. They were right. The 10th Amendment to the Constitution says it clearly - powers not assigned to the federal government belong to the States or the people.
But we have disregarded their wisdom. At our peril. Let me explain.
The Federal government has burst the seams of its charter and has intruded into every aspect of our lives. The unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats have swarmed like locusts raising the cost to do nearly any kind of business in this country, with a real impact on job and wealth creation. Somehow, they think they know best. They do not. We know best what is good for us. That is what a free enterprise/market economy is all about. We make decisions that we think are in our best interest. We do not need the federal government to tell us what to think or how to think. We are capable of thinking for ourselves. And when we let the markets work, good things happen. And when the government interferes with the markets without understanding the cost this excessive regulation brings, bad things happen.
Regulations Galore
When will we ever learn? There were 186,000 pages of federal regulations, last time I looked a few years ago. AND, drumroll please, many, many more have been added. The National Association of Manufacturers estimates the cost of these regulations to the economy at $3.1 TRILLION DOLLARS! And they just keep coming faster and faster. The government wants to control our lives as if they know what is good for us. They do not. We know best what is good for us.
LEAVE US ALONE! The market economy works just fine, if you will keep your hands off of it.
Econ 101: Scarcity. Markets allocate scarce resources. And market interference just disrupts an orderly market, and quite often, to the disadvantage of those they are trying to help.
Thomas Sowell says it best:
“The first lesson in economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those that want it. The first lesson in politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”
I am not an anarchist, we need reasonable governing and regulations. However, the word ‘reasonable’ does not seem to be in the government’s vocabulary.
I am a fiscal conservative. We must control spending. The first step is to get rid of the many functions that do not belong at the federal level. That can only be done if ‘We the People’ understand it and demand it.
Learn Economics, then Vote Smart